About Burnout

Candle burning at both ends.  Clip path

I have recently returned to writing after spending an entire year working on a digital transformation.  So, this post is both timely and personal for me. The art and craft of professional software development is a fascinating animal.  It is inherently abstract and can be highly complex.  In order to function effectively across the lifecycle … Read more

Business: Why Your Software Sucks

Young beautiful lady expresses anger and fury sitting in front of large computer screen. Smart casual dress, beige office desk, wireless keyboard and mouse, light grey background

“What do you mean the server went down?” asks the CEO.  “It has been happening every week” the lead tech says. “It didn’t do that for the other customers,” laments the CEO.  The tech replies “This customer is ten thousand times larger than all the other customers combined. We didn’t build the application to handle … Read more

Development Culture. Do You Speak It?

software developers in an open floor plan

What has a hundred legs, sits in your office, occupies fifty computer screens, clicks on keyboards and trackpads all day, and gets nothing accomplished? Answer: Your development team. Wait, the CEO says.  What is going on here?  We hired a bunch of developers.  We bought a very long party table and two very long benches. … Read more

Can’t Get Technical Talent? Mind the Interviews!

Waiting for job interviews

Imagine this scenario: your company paid a recruiting firm to find candidates for new technical roles in support of your expanding product portfolio.  Technical talent is rolling in, your team is interviewing them, but nobody is accepting your offers.  You are starting to wonder how this is happening. “We’re a world-class company, with world-class talent … Read more

Engineering Better Meetings

Sleeping at the conference. Tired businesswoman sleeping while sitting at the table with her colleagues

Meetings have a bad reputation in the corporate world.  Everyone seems to have war stories of boring, wasteful, time-sucking meetings.  In my own experience, I would estimate that about one in fifteen meetings that I attend is “effective” in my own definition.  Alas, for my junior colleagues just entering the workforce, it is entirely possible … Read more